Expert Reports

Selling, buying, cataloging and disseminating art
has been our business for over half a century!

Online expert reports

Gimmi Stefanini in his capacity as Art Expert of the Court of Milan (see document), registered under no. 7535 on 9.10.1989, formerly C.T.U. (Technical Consultant appointed by Judges and Magistrates of Milan and Monza),is also enrolled in the Role of Experts of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan (see document), No. 1241 of 3-7-89, and is enrolled in the College of Italian Experts for Cat. 25 "Antiques and Fine Arts", sub-cat. 3 "Modern and contemporary painting and sculpture".

Appointed Expert by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Switzerland - CH - (Canton Ticino - Lugano),he has over fifty years' of experience to his credit.

Dr. Stefanini is willing to draw up for a fee minutes of scientific reports and/or economic estimates.

Requests for expert reports must be addressed to the address and must contain the following data: Author, technique, size, year and photograph ( JPEG format) of the work. You can also tell us if you want to sell, buy or trade.

Ufficio di rappresentanza / Representative office in USA - CA: Gianni Stefanini e-mail: Phone: (001)-(916) 201 2596
Escritório de representação São Paulo do BRASIL: Giorgio Bergamini e-mail: Phone: (0055)-(11) 996063926